The late 90s were a dark time for the Superman franchise. The character was still reeling from the EXTREME!!! marketing stunt of his death in the comics and attempts to revive the character in film turned into a weird four-five-six way tug of war between Tim Burton, a string of producers, Kevin Smith, and Nicholas Cage.
A fan-made documentary is attempting to shed light on this weird almost-was film, dubbed Superman Lives. And now that documentary has a trailer.
Superman almost had a suit of lights, and fought a giant spider, and was Nicholas Cage. The trailer explains it all, really, and even includes brief test footage of Nicholas Cage flying as Superman, so add that to your pile of nightmares.
The film has yet to be completed, although it looks like a large portion of the content has been filmed. The documentary producers are trying to raise $85,000 to get it out into the world, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Learn more about the phenomenon of Nicholas Cage.
[News via Newsarama]